D&d 3.5 Dmg P 106


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D&d 3.5 dmg p 106 3
  1. D&d 3.5 Dmg P 106 1
  2. D&d 3.5 Dmg P 1065

Mar 19, 2018  Note that the y-axis in the chart is on a logarithmic scale (the first time I've ever had to resort to that on this blog). This clearly highlights that the overall trend shows a surprisingly regular exponential acceleration in healing with each new edition of the game, approximately following a rule of f(x) = e^(0.72x), where f(x) is the multiplier on the OD&D baseline, and x is the sequential. 'Generally speaking the various tribes do not support each other, with the exception of the orcs who realize the benefits of cooperation-at least the leaders do. Per the humanoid racial preferences table (P.106 DMG), the following relationships are in play. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (Core Rulebook, D&D Roleplaying Game) at Amazon.com. Enhancement bonuses are not themselves bonuses to the AC of a character. (See the exact definition of 'enhancement bonus' on PH p. 278, on DMG p. Java download for mac os. 177, and also in the chart on DMG p. 177 where it notes that a bonus of this type 'Improves: Armor's bonus'.) Example 7: A character wears +2 padded armor and receives a mage armor spell. Quick Build (p. High Jump (p. The first sentence has been changed to “When you make a high jump, you leap into the air a number of feet equal to 3 + your Strength modifier (minimum of 0 feet) if you move at least 10 feet on foot immediately before the jump.”.

D&d 3.5 Dmg P 106 1

D&d 3.5 dmg p 106 3

D&d 3.5 Dmg P 1065

I thought it might be helpful if we had a list of all of the different ways we can boost a characters Armor Class just by using official WotC 3.0/3.5 published books. I don't mean ways to stack AC to get it as high as we can. I'm more interested in knowing what exists from all of the spells, magic items, feats, abilities, etc etc, so we could refer to the list and see what all of our different options are for any kind of class or race we want to play.
Would anyone have any interest in something like this? Would anyone care to add to this list? If so, it would be best if you could name the item, spell, or whatever, how much it boosts the AC, the type of AC it boosts (natural, dodge, armor, deflection, etc etc), and then list what book it comes from and what page it is on. I'm thinking that even things like prestige class abilities and racial traits are worth adding if they boost AC.
Whatever you find, I can add it to this first post as 1 complete list.
I could start off the list with a few things (I'll format this list better when I get a chance)..
AC bonus Max Dex bonus
Twist Cloth, Gnome RoS 158 +1
Mud RoF 157 +1 +5
Padded PHB 123 +1 +8
Wicker A&E 15 +1 +5
Animal Training Outfit A&E 29 +2 +1
Bark A&E 15 +2 +5
Cord (Aquatic) SW 106 +2 +5
Leather PHB 123 +2 +6
Chameleon Leather SK 148 +2 +6
Nightscale Und 66 +2 +10
Hooked PlHB 69 +3 +4
Bone A&E 15 +3 +4
Wood A&E 15 +3 +4
Studded PHB 123 +3 +5
Ashigaru OA 76 +3 +5
Sharkskin4 (Aquatic) SW 106 +3 +6
Chitine Web Und 66 +3 +6
Leather Scale A&E 15 +3 +6
Spidersilk8 Und 66 +3 +8
Mammoth Leather RoS 158 +4 +4
Chain Shirt PHB 123 +4 +4
Mithral Shirt DMG 220 +4 +6
Elven Chain DMG 220 +5 +4
Duskwood Breastplate MoF 178 +5 +4
Shell (Aquatic) SW 106 +3 +3
Hide PHB 123 +3 +4
Thunderhide SK 148 +3 +5
Tentacled Hide Und 66 +3 +5
Dhenuka OA 76 +4 +1
Brigandine A&E 15 +4 +2
Interlocking Scale RoS 158 +4 +2
Scale Mail PHB 123 +4 +3
Chitin (Aquatic varies) SW 106 +4 +4
Partial OA 76 +4 +4
Ring A&E 15 +4 +4
Breastplate, Bronze DMG 144 +4 +4
Chainmail PHB 123 +5 +2
Adamantine Breastplate DMG 219 +5 +3
Breastplate PHB 123 +5 +3
Thurkasian Breastplate GW 42 +5 +3
Lamellar A&E 15 +5 +3
Tumbler's Breastplate RoS 158 +5 +4
Serpentscale Mail SK 148 +5 +4
Stonemail Und 66 +5 +2
Splint Mail PHB 123 +6 +0
Banded Mail PHB 123 +6 +1
Coral (Aquatic) A&E 15 +6 +1
Stone Plate RoS 158 +6 +1
Half-Plate PHB 123 +7 +0
Great OA 76 +7 +2
Interlocking Plate RoS 158 +8 +0
Dragonhide Plate DMG 220 +8 +1
Dwarven Plate DMG 220 +8 +1
Sectioned PlHB 69 +8 +1
Full Plate PHB 123 +8 +1
Feeler Plate Und 66 +8 +1
Dwarven Stone A&E 15 +9 +0
Dendritic Crystal RoF 157 +9 +0
Heavy Plate RoS 158 +9 +0
Battle Plate RoS 158 +9 +1
Mechanus Gear PlHB 69 +10 +0
Mountain Plate RoS 158 +10 +0
Battle Cloak, Gnome RoS 158 +1
Buckler PHB 123 +1
Buckler, Darkwood DMG 221 +1
Light Shield, Wood PHB 123 +1
Light Shield, Bronze DMG 144 +1
Light Shield, Steel PHB 123 +1
Light Shield, Wood Stiletto A&E 15 +1
Grasping Shield RoF 157 +1
Tessen OA 76 +1
Heavy Shield, Wood PHB 123 +2
Heavy Shield, Bronze DMG 144 +2
Heavy Shield, Steel PHB 123 +2
Shield, Gauntlet RoS 158 +2
Shield, Rider's RoS 158 +2
Heavy Shield, Darkwood DMG 221 +2
Heavy Shield, Mithral DMG 221 +2
Buckler, Beetle A&E 15 +2
Shield, Extreme, Wooden RoS 158 +3
Shield, Extreme, Steel RoS 158 +3
Shield, Tower PHB 123 +4
Shield, Tower, Steel RoS 158 +4 +2
Chahar-Aina OA 76 +1
Destana OA 76 +1
Special Substances
Ironthorn Extract (flask) SS 99 Clothing gains AC bonus +1 & hardness +1 for 1 week.
Magic Items
Force Shield, Ring DMG 232 Generates wall of force acting as a heavy shield (+2 AC)
Heraldic Crest (Valiant Def.) HoB 130 +1 Deflection AC, cast Shield Other 1x/day
Ability, Armor Enhancement DMG 216 +1 to +5 enhancement Armor bonus
Ability, Shield Enhancement DMG 216 +1 to +5 enhancement Shield bonus
Ability, Defending DMG 224 Use weapons enhancement bonus as AC instead of attack/dmg bonus
Ability, Parrying MIC 40 Grants +1 Insight AC & Saves while holding weapon
Ring, of Avoidance MIC 122 3x/day gain +20 deflection AC bonus for 1 rnd
Ring, of Four Winds MIC 124 4x/day +2 Deflection AC vs 1 attack or Feather Fall
Ring, of Protection DMG 232 +1 to +5 Deflection AC bonus
Staff, Runestaff of Power MIC 181 +2 quarterstaff, gain +2 luck AC bonus, 1x/day
Amulet, of Natural Armor DMG 246 +1 to +5 Natural Armor AC bonus
Amulet, of Teamwork MIC 70 1x/day gain +5 Competence AC bonus to you & 1 ally for 1 rnd
Belt, Monk's DMG 248 AC & Unarmed dmg = Monk of 5 lvls higher
Boots, of Desperation MIC 77 3x/day +30 speed & +5 Dodge AC vs AoO for 1 rnd if HP = half
Bracers, of Armor DMG 250 +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, or +8 Armor AC bonus
Bracers, Crimson Dragonhide MIC 90 Gain resist fire 5, & +1 enhancement Natural Armor AC bonus
Bracers, of Retaliation MIC 82 +1 Armor AC bonus
Elixir, Beetle MIC 151 Harden flesh, darkvision 60-ft & +2 Enhance. to your Natural AC
Elixir, Electric Eel MIC 158 +1 enhancement Natural Armor AC bonus for 12 hrs
Gloves, Ghostfolly's (Legacy) WoL 99 Studded Leather grants +1 Deflection AC bonus & rogue-like abilities
Ioun Stone: Dusty Rose DMG 260 +1 Insight AC bonus
Robe, of Arcane Might MIC 129 +4 armor AC bonus & +1 competence CL bonus for 1 magic school
Robe, of the Archmagi DMG 265 Grants +5 Armor AC bonus, SR 18, +4 saves, +2 caster lvl vs SR
Robe, Impervious Vestment MIC 112 +5 armor AC bonus & 20x90ft blade barrier for 18 min 1x/day
Robe, of the Inferno MIC 129 +4 armor AC bonus
Robe, Shadow Veil MIC 133 +1 deflection AC bonus & gain concealment if in shadowy areas
Shroud, Ghost MIC 104 +1 deflection AC bonus & melee att act like Ghost Touch weapons
Tattoo, Monks MoF 163 Improves unarmed strike dmg, speed, & AC as if 4 lvls higher
Vest, of the Archmagi MIC 145 +8 armor AC bonus
Vest, of Defense MIC 146 3x/day improves Dodge AC bonus +2 for 1 rnd if Fighting Defensively, in Total Defense, or using Combat Expertise
Air Devotion CC 54 Gain bonus to AC; ranged attacks have a 50% miss chance against you
Chaos Devotion CC 56 Gain bonus on attack rolls or to AC (randomly determined) for 1 minute
Dodge PHB 93 +1 dodge bonus to AC against selected target
Law Devotion CC 61 Gain bonus on attack rolls or to AC until your next action
Off-Hand Parry S&F 7 Loss all off-hand attacks for the rnd for +2 dodge bonus to AC
Protective Ward CC 61 Grant bonus to AC to yourself or an ally within 30 ft.
Two-Weapon Defense PHB 102 Off-hand weapon grants +1 shield bonus to AC
Vow of Peace BoED 47 Calming aura; +6 varied bonus to AC
Vow of Poverty BoED 47 Bonuses to AC, ability scores, & saves; bonus feats (see pg 29)