Maplestory M Phy Dmg Vs Phy Att


You can help MapleStory M Wiki by expanding it. This guide will teach you all about Jewels in MapleStory M. Jewels are items that enhance a character's stats. Sep 10, 2018  yea, honestly all crap i gotten. No puzzle piece, no chair, no damage skin, no good scrolls. Almost rage quit, but figured i gambled so far, might.

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Maplestory M Phy Dmg Vs Phy Att 1

Archer best gear stats ?

I'm have tested CRIT then CRIT/DEX build and then full points on DEX to find out last felt like best build to go with. But I'm thinking what gear stats should I be aiming for (rerolls) and then of course the Weapon itself.
My logic was that I should go pierce / phys pierce where ever I can and on weapon I kept Crit Damage - Fire Damage (to increase my Rapid Shot damage, skill I use 95% of the gameplay). I have kept my weapon +10 to see if those stats even work out if not then I could with low cost get 2nd weapon with something else.
So what you think is best stats to go with ?


  • Seems about right. Piercing, physical piercing, boss damage % all seem to be the meta. Crit damage is also good since its relatively rare and Archer Crit Rate is already pretty great by itself.
    However as I understand it you should prioritize Piercing over everything else. It has a hidden cap of 30% I believe, and has way better returns on investment compared to any other damage stat.
    TL;DR Piercing is king, but you can use Physical Piercing and Boss damage % when you get it. Crit Damage is also pretty decent.
  • Yes that is good thing. I just got lucky and managed to swap my bow around with Piercing + Phys Piercing. And rest of the gear I'm working on getting Phys Piercing (15% cap) and Piercing (30%, then will add Boss Damage what is 3rd best. Having nice roll of Crit Damage is something I will keep too what buffs my crits, what I get quite often.
  • Usually piercing is an attribute stat that shows up randomly on gear. Nothing has it consistently, but you can get randomly get Piercing on any equippable item, even pets.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 795
    I moved almost all my ap to crit rate. With lvl 10 SE, I get about 34% crit chance. That is 401 crit for me. If I moved this 54ish points into dex, attack doesnt go up much hardly influences my rapid fire damage. Even without crit damage stat, my overall damage and dps went up. Crit damage would make this even stronger. I think its definitely worth getting your crit rate to 20-25% considering how little dex influences your attack. I plan to add to dex now and keep crit rate with SE at 401
  • Regarding stats you ideally want to aim for as much piercing as possible which can be obtained on weapons and accessories only. Armours only allow one offensive stat among the two bonus attribute for which you should go for boss damage or accuracy if you are still lacking. Your gloves should roll for physical piercing since it can't roll BD.
    Example set up:
    Weapon - piercing, p piercing
    Armours - boss damage/accuracy (gloves p piercing)
    Accessories - piercing + boss damage/physical attack/accuracy (Kandura's Pendant/Varrekants wings will be useful)
    Notable caps for coming CR:
    30% piercing (the more you have, the better damage gain)
    17.6% physical piercing (ignores physical resistance)
    At least 90 accuracy, ideal 96 (higher evasion in CR)
  • no one here speak on Ranged dont forget
    Range=boss for archer
    from my opinion P PP Ranged/boss Crit damage Fire damage
  • I wouldn't recommend fire damage personally, since it's based on percent and the attack that would benefit from it is a fast hitting attack. So you are likely only seeing like a double digit increase per hit. At least that's how I'd interpret it. Sadly the best stats are the same for every character. Piercing, Physical/Magical Piercing, Boss Damage, Crit damage after that you probably shouldn't even bother with anything else. Honorable mention to accuracy though. You can have the best damage numbers in the game but if you ain't hitting what you are aiming at you may as well have poor rolls on your gear.
  • i am going
    Piercing>Crit rate>Crit Damage.
    Piercing til 30%
    Crit rate til 420 ish.
    Crit dmg as much as you can.
    oh and the obvious Accuracy requirement for raiding. but seeing Dex gives accuracy we dont need to worry about it alot. 100 dex = x accuracy
    i found this to be better then Pure boss or range dmg. even if its rng to crit. with 420 Crit rate you Crit very often. and nearly 50/50 of my Rapid shots are Crits. in the range of 8-10k on FD. with a lvl 12 wep and 152% crit dmg
  • I moved almost all my ap to crit rate. With lvl 10 SE, I get about 34% crit chance. That is 401 crit for me. If I moved this 54ish points into dex, attack doesnt go up much hardly influences my rapid fire damage. Even without crit damage stat, my overall damage and dps went up. Crit damage would make this even stronger. I think its definitely worth getting your crit rate to 20-25% considering how little dex influences your attack. I plan to add to dex now and keep crit rate with SE at 401

    Don't pay any attention to that Attack stat. It's a rough approximation that underrepresents physical attack / dex and doesn't include % damage at all. Even adding magic attack increases that stat which is obviously silly.
  • MapleStory 2 Rep: 795
    I moved almost all my ap to crit rate. With lvl 10 SE, I get about 34% crit chance. That is 401 crit for me. If I moved this 54ish points into dex, attack doesnt go up much hardly influences my rapid fire damage. Even without crit damage stat, my overall damage and dps went up. Crit damage would make this even stronger. I think its definitely worth getting your crit rate to 20-25% considering how little dex influences your attack. I plan to add to dex now and keep crit rate with SE at 401

    Don't pay any attention to that Attack stat. It's a rough approximation that underrepresents physical attack / dex and doesn't include % damage at all. Even adding magic attack increases that stat which is obviously silly.

    Yeah forgot I posted this. Realized it like a day after I posted this. Thanks

PHY vs MAC Difference between PHY layer,MAC layer

This page compares PHY vs MAC layers and mention difference between PHY layer and MAC layer. This page on PHY vs MAC helps reader understand basics of PHY layer such as what is phy medium used, frequency, data rate, modulation, code rate and so on. PHY and MAC layers of wlan, wimax, zigbee, zwave, bluetooth are also mentioned.

Both of these are layers reside in OSI stack or OSI 7 layer model. They have their own functions as well as they support each other in order to provide reliable communication between peer network layers of two IP enabled devices. Layer-1 is known as PHY and Layer-2 is known as MAC. Figure depicts positions of these layers in OSI stack.

Maplestory M Phy Dmg Vs Phy Att Pc

What is PHY Layer

PHY is the short form of Physical Layer or medium. It is the layer-1 in OSI stack. It interfaces physical medium with MAC and upper layers. Physical medium can be copper wire, fiber optic cable, twisted pair or even wireless channel.

Following are the functions of PHY layer:
• It converts MAC layer format suitable to be transported over the medium.
• It adds forward error correction functionality to enable error correction at the receiver.
• It adds modulation and demodulation modules to incorporate modulation and demodulation functionalities. This will convert bits into symbols for long distance transmission as well as to increase bandwidth efficiency.

Following table-1 mentions what are different physical layers as per different wireless and wired standards. The variation in physical layer depends on medium requirement and system performance requirement (i.e. BER, SNR, spectral efficiency or Bandwidth efficiency, power efficiency). Different PHY layers will have different FEC configurations and modulation formats.

PHY LayerRF Wireless World Reference link
WLAN PHY Layers as per IEEE 802.11 standards11a physical layer➤
11b physical layer➤
11n physical layer➤
WLAN 11ac physical layer➤
WLAN 802.11ad Physical layer➤
WiMAX PHY Layers as per IEEE 802.16 standards fixed wimax physical layer-OFDM PHY➤
Mobile wimax Physical layer-OFDMA PHY➤
GSM PHY Layer GSM Physical layer➤
GPRS PHY Layer GPRS physical layer➤
LTE PHY Layer LTE Physical layer➤
WirelessHART PHY Layer wirelessHART physical layer➤
CDMA PHY layers, WCDMA PHY, TD-SCDMA PHYCDMA physical layer➤
WCDMA Physical layer➤
TD-SCDMA Physical layer➤
LDACS1 and LDACS2 PHY LayersLDACS1 Physical layer➤
LDACS2 Physical layer➤
Ethernet PHY layers-10 Gigabit, 40 Gigabit, 100 Gigabit 10 Gigabit Ethernet PHY➤
40 Gigabit Ethernet PHY➤
100 Gigabit Ethernet PHY➤
Weightless Physical layer Weightless PHY➤
Zigbee PHY layer as per IEEE 802.15.4Zigbee PHY Layer➤
Bluetooth Physical layerBluetooth PHY➤
Zwave PHY Zwave PHY Layer➤
WBAN ( Wireless Body Area Network) PHY WBAN PHY Layer➤

What is MAC Layer

MAC is the short form of Medium Access Control Layer. It is the layer-2 in OSI stack. It interfaces PHY layer and Upper layers (i.e. network and above).

Following are the functions of MAC layer:
• It incorporates MAC header at the start of upper layer IP packet and CRC at the end of IP packet. MAC header includes packet length field which will help receiver know about total length of packet it is going to receive. CRC will help in error detection. It will help receiver know whether received packet is erroneous or not.
• Incorporates ARQ functionality as a means for requesting retransmission in case of errors. This retransmission request is initiated by the receiver to the transmitter.
• Takes care of resource allocation and maintenance for the requesting subscribers or clients of the service.
• Enable flow control by segmentation (at transmit end) and re-assembly (at receive end) of packets. This is also known as fragmentation and reassembly. The size of the segmentation depends on transport payload of the medium. For example, in case of OFDM based systems such as wimax or wlan, the payload size depends on number of data carriers in a symbol or slot.

Following table-2 mentions MAC layers of various standards.

MAC LayerRF Wireless World Reference link
WLAN MAC as per 11a and 11ac standard WLAN MAC Layer-1➤
WLAN MAC Layer-2➤
WLAN 11ac MAC Layer➤
WiMAX MAC Layer as per IEEE 802.16d standard WiMAX MAC layer as per OFDM➤
Zigbee MAC Layer Zigbee MAC layer➤
Bluetooth MAC Bluetooth MAC layer➤
Zwave MAC Zwave MAC layer➤

PHY and MAC Related Links

• Physical layer measurements
• PHY IP Core Vendors or Developers
• MAC IP Core Vendors or Developers
• How to interface PHY and MAC layers

What is?

What is Difference between

difference between FDM and OFDM
Difference between SC-FDMA and OFDM
Difference between SISO and MIMO
Difference between TDD and FDD
Difference between 802.11 standards viz.11-a,11-b,11-g and 11-n

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RF and Wireless Terminologies

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